Senator Duties
- Senators are appointed to a full three-year term or to fill a vacancy that has less
than three years
- Senators shall attend an orientation meeting
- Senators are expected to attend general monthly meetings
- Senators shall serve on at least two Senate committees
- Senators shall make themselves known to their constituents, indicate how they can
be contacted, listen to staff concerns and suggestions and communicate both to Staff
Senate, as well as provide information on issues that affect staff to constituents
- Senators must help keep their constituents well-informed of the work of the Senate
- Senators shall represent all staff (Senators are not elected to represent a school,
department, or specific area)
Seats Available in Groups
Other Academic: (Executive/Administrative/Managerial)
Category EEO 1 – Executive/Administrative/Managerial – 1 seat for a 3-Year Term
Unclassified: (Professional/Non-Faculty)
Category EEO 3 – Professional/Non-Faculty – 8 seats for 3-Year Term
Classified: (Clerical/Secretarial, Technical/Paraprofessional, Skilled Crafts and
Category EEO 5 – Technical/Paraprofessional – 1 seat for 3-Year Term
Category EEO 6 – Skilled Crafts – 2 seats for 3-Year Term
Category EEO 7 – Service/Maintenance – 2 seats for 3-Year Term
Category EEO 7 – Service/Maintenance – 2 vacant seats for 2-Year Term
- March 26: Deadline for receipt of nomination forms
- April 2: Deadline for nominees to withdraw from election
- April 7: Ballots distributed to staff
- April 18: Deadline for receipt of completed ballots
- April 21: The Executive Committee will tabulate the votes and notify the nominees.
In cases where there are only as many candidates in a category as vacancies, the candidates
will be declared elected without opposition.
File for Candidacy
To file for candidacy, please complete and return the Declaration of Candidacy Form
by clicking on the link below and send to the Staff Senate Office located in room
330 Thomas Boyd Hall or scan and email the completed form to no later than March 26, 2025.