Petkova, A., Domingo, M., & Lamm, E., 2021. Let’s be Frank: Individual and team-level
predictors of improvement in student teamwork effectiveness following peer-evaluation
feedback. The International Journal of Management Education, 19, 1-15.
Rapp, T., Maynard, T., Domingo, M., Klock, E., 2021. Team emergent states: What has
emerged in the literature over twenty years. Small Group Research, 52, 68-102.
Mathieu, J. E., Gallagher, P. T., Domingo, M. A., & Klock, E. A. 2019. Embracing complexity:
Reviewing the past decade of team effectiveness research. Annual Review of Organizational
Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 17-46.
Domingo, M., Oh, K., Lee, H., Liao, Z., Kim, YJ., & Jung, S., 2020. Coping with abusive
supervision: The neutralizing effects of emotional expressivity and perspective taking.
Academy of Management.
Domingo, M., Dong, Y., 2019. Backlash response theory: How women leaders use emotional
regulation to address backlash events. Academy of Management. Boston, MA.
Domingo, M., Gallagher, P., Mathieu, J., Maynard, T., & D’Innocenzo, L., 2019. Leader—team
contextual effects on member psychological empowerment—performance relations. Academy
of Management. Boston, MA.
Lamm, E., Petkova, A., & Domingo, M., 2019. Time to face your feedback: Combining
the benefits of written and face-to-face feedback in teams. Academy of Management.
Boston, MA.
Younge, A., Preseton, M., Maxie, J., Beezer, I., Carter, J., Crawley, R., Crespo,
M., Domingo, M., Gutierrez, L., Hart, C., Johnson, A., Johnson, Shakenya, J., Massey,
M., Norris, K., Okumakpeyi, M., Osborn, M., Palmer, C., Torrez, B., 2019. Integrate,
initiate, innovate! Bridging the gap in diversity & inclusion field research. Professional
development Workshop. Academy of Management. Boston, MA.
Klock, E., Domingo, M., Gallagher, P., Mathieu, J., & Maynard, T. 2019. Work context
influences on trainees’ emotional exhaustion and training effectiveness. Mathieu,
J. (Chair) & Domingo, M. (Co-Chair). Maximizing training investments: The effects
of contextual influences on training. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
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Hart, C., Seegars, L., Gutierrez, L., Palmer, C., Carter, J., Domingo, M., Gonzalez,
K., & Ubaka, A. 2018. Moving beyond the conversation: Building a research agenda to
create more inclusive organizations. Professional Development Workshop. Academy of
Management. Chicago, IL.
Domingo, M., Petkova, A., & Lamm, E. 2017. A closer look into the improvements in
student teamwork effectiveness following peer-evaluation feedback. Western Academy
of Management. Palm Springs, CA.
Domingo, M., Petkova, A., & Lamm, E. 2016. Let’s be frank: The real improvement in
student teamwork effectiveness following peer-evaluation feedback. Academy of Management.
Anaheim, CA.
Domingo, M., Speights, S., Ruggs E. 2016. Gender differences in personal well-being.
Organizational Science Summer Institute. Charlotte, NC.
Domingo, M., Petkova, A., & Lamm, E. 2016. Social loafers beware!: The impact of instructor-led
intervention on team contributions. Western Academy of Management. Portland, OR.
Petkova, A., Lamm, E., Roeder, T., & Domingo, M. 2015. Using the online teamwork assessment
tool CATME for team-based learning and peer-evaluation of student performance, SFSU
Faculty Retreat. San Francisco, CA.