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Can Your Thoughts on Body Fat Predict/Impact Your Work Performance? LSU Researcher Explains

Can Your Thoughts on Body Fat Predict/Impact Your Work Performance? LSU Researcher Explains

In his recent article, “Do These Jeans Make Me Feel Fat? Exploring Subjective Fatness, its Workplace Outcomes, and Rethinking the Role of Subjectivity in the Stigmatization Process,” published by Personnel Psychology, Rucks Department of Management Assistant Professor Michael Johnson and co-authors draw on stigma theory, and integrate it with medical research, to explore the workplace implications of subjective fatness, or how big one feels.

LSU Joins LDOE for STEM Micro-Credentialing Project

LSU Joins Louisiana Department of Education for STEM Micro-Credentialing Project

With STEM learning gaining speed, it’s more important than ever for Louisiana to provide its high school educators the opportunity to earn micro-credentials in order to teach STEM subjects to their students. The $4 million, five-year Education Innovation and Research grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Improving Pre-Engineering and Computer Science Education through Micro-Credentialing, is a collaboration among LSU, the Louisiana Department of Education, BloomBoard Inc., and RAND Corporation that involves the development, implementation, and testing of a set of micro-credentials designed to help teachers demonstrate proficiency in STEM competencies.

Gamma-ray burst

NASA Missions Study What May Be a 1-In-10,000-Year Gamma-ray Burst

LSU Department of Physics and Astronomy Assistant Professor Eric Burns led the analysis of 7,000 gamma-ray bursts to establish how frequently this brightest of all time, or BOAT, event may occur. The answer: once every 10,000 years

WFL Solving Cancer, Together

Solving Cancer, Together

With investment by the state, LSU is attracting and supporting top research talent to solve some of the biggest challenges in cancer care for patients and families, starting with Louisianans.


Descendants of African American Poet Discover their Roots in LSU Libraries Special Collections

After 50 years of searching for their grandfather's long-lost publications as part of a family genealogical project, two cousins from Maryland, Renee Anderson and Sharon Young, had no idea that they would find what they had been searching for more than 1,000 miles from home at LSU.

Large-scale nuclear simulations and quantum information science

LSU Research Professors Awarded $800K from U.S. Department of Energy

LSU quantum physics faculty are among 13 research groups in the U.S. recently selected for funding by the U.S. Department of Energy. These LSU researchers are at the forefront of interdisciplinary research in nuclear science, fundamental and applied research and quantum information science and technology.

Katrina Babies

Filmmaker Edward Buckles, Jr. to Visit LSU, Discuss HBO Documentary ‘Katrina Babies’

New Orleans filmmaker Edward Buckles, Jr. was 13 years old when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. Seven years later, he raised his camera to begin documenting the stories of his peers who survived the storm as children

Dana Gioia, Former NEA Chair and Former Poet Laureate of California, To Read His Poetry at LSU

Dana Gioia, Former NEA Chair and Former Poet Laureate of California, To Read His Poetry at LSU

Dana Gioia, internationally acclaimed poet and essayist, will read from his poetry on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 4:30 pm, at LSU. The reading, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Sternberg Salon of the French House, home of the Ogden Honors College. His visit is sponsored by the Ogden Honors College and the Eric Voegelin Institute.

LSU Distinguished Research Masters Guoqiang Li and Fahui Wang

Distinguished Research Masters and Dissertation Award Recipients Announced

LSU Office of Research & Economic Development, or ORED, honors the exceptional research and scholarship of two LSU faculty as Distinguished Research Masters each year. In addition, the LSU Alumni Association and the LSU Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School sponsor the Distinguished Dissertation Awards presented to two doctoral students whose research and writing demonstrate superior scholarship.

LSU President's Day for Army Corps of Cadets Set for March 23

LSU President's Day for Army Corps of Cadets Set for March 23

The annual President's Day for the LSU Corps of Cadets is scheduled for 3:15 p.m., Thursday, March 23, at the LSU War Memorial on the Parade Ground. The event is sponsored by LSU and Cadets of the Ole War Skule.