
Sherwood Gagliano (Ph.D. 1967)
Founder of Coastal Environments, Inc., Baton Rouge, La

George Robertson (M.S. 1981)
Senior Project Manager, Cardno 

Chris Airriess (M.A. 1984)
Professor of Geography at Ball State University

Richard Campanella (M.S. 1993)
Tulane University, noted author and prominent voice in Post-Katrina New Orleans 

Darrell Kruger (Ph.D. 1994)
Dean of College of Education and Human Development at the University of New Orleans

Scott Hemmerling (Ph.D. 2007)
Associate director of human dimensions at The Water Institute

Ramin D. Zamanian (M.A. 2007)
Professor of Geography, Houston Community College

Richard W. Hunter (Ph.D. 2009)
Commissioner's Office of the Connecticut State Legislature

Russell Fielding (Ph.D. 2010)
Assistant Professor of Environment Studies in the Department of Earth & Science Systems at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee

Kara Miller (M.A. 2010)
Assistant Professor of Anthropology at California State University Long Beach

Andrew D. Augustine (Ph.D. 2011)
Senior Technical Support Engineer, Altosoft Corporation, Media, PA

Amy E. Potter (Ph.D. 2011)
Professor of Geography, Georgia Southern University

Jinwoong Yoo (Ph.D. 2011)
Post-doctoral researcher, Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Emily Grace (M.A. 2011)
Director of research and strategy, Silicon Valley Bank

Matthew Helmer (M.A. 2011)
Heritage Program Manager and Tribal Liaison, US Forest Service, Kisatchie National Forest

Henrike Brecht (Ph.D. 2012)
Disaster risk management specialist at the World Bank

Ryan Orgera (Ph.D. 2012)
Chief Executive Officer of the Sanivel-Captiva Conservation Foundation in Florida

Anna M. Trevino (Ph.D. 2012)
Atmospheric Scientist, AIR Worldwide, Inc., Boston, MA

Beverly Clement (M.A. 2012)
Associate archaeologist, US Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District, Oregon

James P. Chaney (Ph.D. 2013)
Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies and Human Geography, Middle Tennessee State University

Brandon Edwards (Ph.D. 2013)
Research associate in the Department of Renewable Natural Resources at LSU

T Andrew Joyner (Ph.D. 2013)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences East Tennessee State University

Mark Robinson (Ph.D. 2013)
Research Fellow in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom

Caitlyn McNabb (M.A. 2013)       
Director of Innovation & Performance, Washington State Office of the Governor

Eddie Modlin (Ph.D. 2014)
Assistant Professor of Geography at Norfolk State University

Rebekah Jones (M.S. 2014)
Coastal Resource Scientist, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority; Baton
Rouge, La.  

Bryant Garcin (B.S. 2014)

Mallory Baldridge (M.A. 2014)

Lucy Hochstein (M.A. 2014)

Nicole Klein (M.A. 2014)

Brian Thibodeaux (M.A. 2014)

Steve Treloar (M.A. 2014)
Archaeologist at ERM

Katherine Renken (Ph.D. 2015)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Baruch Institute of the University of South Carolina

Elizabeth Cory Sills (Ph.D. 2015)
Assistant Professor of the University of Texas at Tyler      

Case Watkins (Ph.D. 2015)
Associate Professor, Department of Justice Studies, James Madison University

Jamie Worms (Ph.D. 2015)
Director of Human Geography Advanced Placement, The College Board

Jenna Hurtubise (M.A. 2015) 
PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alabama

Chaney (Hiers) Rush (M.A. 2015)

James Steven Treloar (M.A. 2015)
Heritage assistant program manager, US Forest Service, Kisatchie National Forest

Ashley Whitten (M.A. 2015) 
PhD student in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky

Sara Wyatt (M.A. 2015)
EBRCO Investigator

Corey David Hotard (Ph.D. 2015)
Geography and Anthropology instructor at South Louisiana Community College in Lafayette, LA

Peter Ngugi Kamau (Ph.D. 2017)
Professor, Karatina University of Kenya

Gilman Ouellette (Ph.D. 2017)
National Geospatial Itelligence Agency

Dominique Bodoh (M.A. 2017)
University of Alabama Anthropology PhD Program

Maddisen Neuman (M.A. 2017)
Quality/Research Associate at Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc

Kelsey Johnson (M.A. 2017)
Archaeologist at AECOM

Rivers Berryhill (M.A. 2017)
Environmental Scientist at Louisiana Housing Corporation

Emily Michon (M.A. 2017)
Forensic Anthropologist - Research Associate at FACES Laboratory (LSU)

Emily Wiegers (M.A. 2017)
LSU FACES Lab Manager

Kimberly Munro (Ph.D. 2018) 
Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice, New Mexico Highlands University

Ginés A. Sánchez Arias (Ph.D. 2018)
Research Analyst at Alteridad Consulting in Paris

Andrea White (Ph.D. 2018)
City Archaeologist St. Augustine, Florida

Xukai Zhang (Ph.D. 2018)
Assistant research professor, Lincoln University-Missouri

Samuel Ayers (M.A. 2018)
Archivist - Special Collections, State Library of Louisiana

Marissa Vara (M.S. 2018)
National Science Foundation

Kelly Haggerty (M.S. 2019)
Site direct at Food Rescue US

Brittany Blevins (M.A. 2019)
ER Nurse

Jessi Parfait (M.A. 2019)
Anthropologist at the Water Institute

Meredith Aulds (M.A. 2019)
PhD student at Purdue University

Antonio Otero (M.A. 2019)
PhD student at SUNY-Albany 

Sophia Reck (M.A. 2019)

Ashlee Taylor (M.A. 2019)
Archaeological Lab Director at Gulf South Research Corporation

Le Tu (M.S. 2019)
GIS analyst at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

Rupsa Bhowmick (Ph.D. 2020)
Asst. Prof at University Wisconsin - LaCrosse - Geography and Environmental Science

Deirdre Smith (Ph.D. 2020)
Instructor at Southeastern Louisiana University

Clay Tucker (Ph.D. 2020)
Asst. Prof at University of Southern Mississippi

Kelsey Fox (M.A. 2020)
Lab technician at Abbott Lab

Krista Bennett (M.A. 2020)
LSU Anthropology PhD Program

Kyle Bikowski (M.A. 2020)
PhD student at the University of Iowa

Ria Mukerji (M.S. 2020)
PhD student at the University of New Mexico

Alina Prigozhina (M.S. 2020)
GIS analyst at Florida Department of Health

Elizabeth Cruzado Carranza (Ph.D. 2021)
Faculty-led programs abroad coordinator in the Office of Global Education, SUNY Oneonta

Melinda Gonzalez (Ph.D. 2021)
Postdoctoral fellow at Rutgers University

Jacob Warner (Ph.D. 2021)
Assistant professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Sustainability, SUNY Oneonta

Alexandra Amaki (M.A. 2021) 

Monica Fenton (M.A. 2021)
Archaeological technician, Goodwin

Christopher Goden (M.A. 2021)
The Ohio State University, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program

Liam Johnson (M.A. 2021)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Anthropology PhD Program

Natalie King (M.A. 2021)
Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency

Kaitlyn Lowrance (M.A. 2021)
Oahu Island assistant manager for Scientific Consultant Services

Ashlee Autore (M.S. 2021)
AI/ML Intern at Science Systems and Applications, Inc (SSAI)

Sadie (Schoeffler) Friend (M.A. 2022)
LA Division of Archaeology

Abigail Houkes (M.A. 2022)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Anthropology PhD Program

Sabrina Williamson (M.A. 2022)
Arizona State University, Criminology and Criminal Justice MA/PhD Program

Kendall Brome (M.S. 2022)
Geosyntec and now in doctoral program at University of Washington.

Michael Broussard (M.S. 2022)
GIS Data Engineer at 3-GIS in Baton Rouge

Adam Cox (M.S. 2022)
Senior Research Soſtware Engineer, Healthy Regions and Policies Lab, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Kathleen Benedetto (Ph.D. 2023)
Director of Climate Science and Community Collaboration for The Neutral Ground Collective in New Orleans, LA

Samantha Camarda (M.S. 2023)
Course Instructor at University of South Alabama Department of Earth Sciences

Adam Dohrenwend (Ph.D. 2024)
Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, James Madison University.

Aja Palermo (M.A. 2024)
Archaeological technician, Goodwin

Itzamara Ixta Pichardo (M.A. 2024)
Project archaeologist, Atlas

Skyler Yakes (M.A. 2024)
LSU Anthropology PhD Program

Reilly Corkran (M.S. 2024)
Currently PhD Geography student