Training Materials for Title IX Personnel

Staff from the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX receive regular training on sex discrimination and other prohibited conduct. Learn more about the training materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and informal resolution facilitators below.

Basic Title IX Compliance - Weighing Testimony and Evidence (2023)
Basic Title IX Compliance (2023)
Collecting and Understanding Specialized Evidence (2020 Rule) 
Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings
Confidential Employee/Supporter Training (LSU Spring 2025)
Cross-Examinationin a Title IX Hearing (2020 Rule)
Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings Part 1: Apply Decorum Rules (2020 Rule)
Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings Part 2: Handling Privileged Information and Waivers (2020 Rule)
Due Process Protections Under the New Title IX Regulations
Effective Interviewing of Parties and Witnesses
Facilitating Fair and Effective Informal Resolution Processes Under Title IX
Hearing Panel Training (LSU Spring 2024)
Hearing Panel - Decision Maker and Advisor Training (LSU Spring 2024)
How to Report Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
Informal Resolution in Title IX (Spring 2023)
Legal Framework for Understanding Conflicts of Interest and Bias (2020 Rule)
New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault
No Contact Orders, Emergency Removals, and Interim Suspensions (2020 Rule) 
Privacy, Confidentiality & Privilege in Disclosures of Sexual and Interpersonal Violence (2020 Rule) 
Relevance and Decorum in a Title IX Hearing (2020 Rule) 
Role of Title IX Coordinators and Investigators for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Campus Police, Confidential Advisors (1 of 2) - Track A
Role of Title IX Coordinators and Investigators for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Campus Police, Confidential Advisors (2 of 2) - Track A
Sexual Assault & Victimization of Vulnerable Populations
Sexual Harassment: Legal Definitions (2020 Rule) 
Technology Basics - Information Security, Confidentiality, and Decorum (2020 Rule)
Ten Investigation Pitfalls and Best Practices to Avoid Them
The First Amendment and Title IX
The Role of Decision-makers in Sexual Misconduct Complaints for Chancellors, Counsels, Decision-makers, Athletics Representatives (1 of 2) - Track B
The Role of Decision-makers in Sexual Misconduct Complaints for Chancellors, Counsels, Decision-makers, Athletics Representatives (2 of 2) - Track B
Title IX Coordinator Foundations Level One: Sexual Harassment for Higher Education
Title IX Final Rule Basics (2020 Rule)
Title IX Investigations for Human Resources Professionals (Spring 2023)
Understanding the Investigative Report Template for Investigations of Title IX Sexual Harassment (2020 Rule)
What does Title IX Tell Us About Title VII? (2020 Rule)
What is Severe, Persistent, and Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment? (2020 Rule)