neaSNOM Near-Field Optical Microscope
The neaSpec scattering-type Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope (s-SNOM) combines advanced nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy in a single tool. The versatility of this microscope enables complete characterization of a large range of materials from polymers, biological samples, 2D materials, semiconductors and photonic devices
Customized specifications include:
- Visible (VIS, 633nm) laser source
- IR source (near and mid-IR ranging from 1.55um - 10um wavelengths
- Pulsed-pump @ 1.55um
- Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy and nano-imaging
- Tip enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)
- Nano-FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
- Ultrafast pump-probe nanoscopy with fs resolution down to 10nm spatial resolution
Other features:
- Advanced AFM: tapping mode, Kelvin and conductive AFM, etc.
- Near-field amplitude and phase resolved microscopy at VIS, near and mid-IR ranges
- Wide spectral bandwith nano-FTIR @ mid-IR
- Ultrafast pump-probe microscopy with a 1.55um pump
- TERS at the nanoscale
Contact Sergi Lendinez for further information